What to do if Someone Inhales Toxic Fumes?
The inhalation of smoke, gases (such as carbon monoxide), or toxic vapors can be lethal.
A victim who has inhaled fumes is likely to have low levels of oxygen in his body tissues and therefore needs urgent medical attention.
Do not attempt to carry out a rescue if it is likely to put your own life at risk; fumes that have built up in a confined space will quickly overcome anyone who is not wearing protective equipment.
Commonly Inhaled Fumes:
1. Carbon Monoxide:
Effects —
Prolonged exposure to low levels:
■ Headache ■ Confusion ■ Aggression ■ Nausea and vomiting ■Diarrhoea.
Brief exposure to high levels:
■ Grey-blue skin coloration ■ Rapid, difficult breathing ■ Impaired level of response, leading to unresponsiveness.
2. Smoke:
Effects — ■ Rapid, noisy and difficult breathing ■ Coughing and wheezing ■ Burning in the nose or mouth ■ Soot around the mouth and nose ■Unresponsiveness.
3. Carbon Dioxide:
Effects — ■ Breathlessness ■ Headache ■ Confusion ■ Unresponsiveness.
4. Solvent and Fuels:
Effects — ■ Headache and vomiting ■ Impaired level of response ■ Airway obstruction from using a plastic bag or from choking on vomit may result in death ■ Solvent abuse is a potential cause of cardiac arrest.
What to do?
- Tell ambulance control that you suspect fume inhalation.
- If it is necessary to escape from the source of the fumes, help the victim away from the fumes into the fresh air. Do not enter the fume-filled area yourself.
- Support the victim and encourage him to breathe normally. If the victim’s clothing is still burning, try to extinguish the flames. Treat any obvious burns or other injuries.
- Stay with the victim until help arrives. Monitor and record the victim’s vital signs — breathing, pulse, and level of response — until help arrives.
— If the casualty is in a garage filled with vehicle exhaust fumes, open the doors wide and let the gas escape before you enter.
— If the casualty is found unresponsive, open the airway and check for breathing.
Main Aim:
. To restore adequate breathing.
. To call for emergency help and obtain urgent medical attention.
Thank you for Reading.😊
I hope I was able to provide a good amount of information.
Have a Nice Day.😊